Ahhh, the comfort zone. The place where we all feel safe and cozy, where life is alright and nothing can harm us. Smooth sailing right? Well, if you are perfectly content with where you are and have no aspirations of becoming better at anything, then kick your feet up, grab your oversized bag of cheetos, and have at it. But for the rest of us, the comfort zone is a very dangerous place. It’s the place we become complacent, where we settle, where we accept our conditions and succumb to the norm. Then years later we run through the “what ifs”, the “I wish I would’ve”, and the “damn, I should’ve.” I can’t think of many things in life worse than regret. Better to try and fail than never try at all. Getting out of the comfort zone isn’t always easy either. Often it takes bold decisions and even bolder actions in order to be BETTER. Not only that, but it takes an inner fortitude to keep going when everyone says you shouldn’t. Many people will sympathize with you when things go wrong (not necessarily a bad thing), but will also validate your excuses and NOT help you attain your goals. Hence why so many people remain in the comfort zone.
What do you want out of life? Are you LIVING, or just existing? I think we all have an unfinished list somewhere of things we want to accomplish, but for some reason have never done. Whether it’s running a marathon, writing a book, or visiting an exotic land, I’ve yet to meet anyone who is done in life. If you’re still breathing, you’re here for a reason, and are still capable of doing great things. I encourage you all to get off of your La-Z-Boy, get uncomfortable, and set out to do something that scares you just a little bit.
THE Fitness Ninja-Changing the world one pushup at a time.