What I'm Doing

I currently offer Personal Training and Bootcamp at Omega Performance Training in Plano, TX.
Call or text 214-418-8872, or email me at thefitnessninja@gmail.com for more details. Aaaannnddd GO!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Choice is YOURS!!

One week from today, possibly the most important Presidential Election of our generation will commence.  And regardless of your political affiliation, I’m fairly certain no one can say with confidence we are much better off than we were 4 years ago.  But with so much focus on the office of the President, it seems we forget that the state of our nation is due to a long series of events, decisions, and elections that put us here in the first place.  It’s not just the President, or the VP, or who controls Congress.  It’s not just the lobbyists, large corporations, the wealthy, or the poor.  And it’s not just 9/11, Obamacare, or rampant obesity.  It’s ALL of these things, and so many more that contribute to the woes of our country.  There is no single event or person to blame for everything.  

So what does this have to do with your health and fitness you ask?  Well I’m about to tell you.  As I’ve stated numerous times, and will continue to do so until people really understand, almost 70% of our population is overweight or obese.  And surprisingly enough, this didn’t just happen overnight.  For most people with diabetes, they didn’t just wake up with it one day.  High blood pressure doesn’t just show up in the mail.  Rare genetic defects aside, heart attacks don’t just occur out of nowhere.  All these manifest from a series of poor decisions over a period of time.  You see, it’s not that you had a few chips with queso last night...it’s that you do that every time you eat out.  It’s not that you didn’t work out yesterday...it’s that you don’t work out any day.  It’s not that you were too busy to cook a healthy dinner last night...it’s that you’re ALWAYS too busy to cook a healthy dinner.  Your health and general well being are the direct result of the decisions you make on a daily basis.  None of us eat a perfect diet, but if 90% of the time you are eating healthy, you will be successful.  We don’t always make it to the gym or go for a run, but if it’s a priority in our lives, we will find a way to make it happen most days of the week.  Few of us are genetically gifted enough to eat what we want, never engage in physical activity, and still look and feel amazing.  If you are one of those people, more power to you, and feel free to stop by for a complimentary punch in the throat:-)  For the rest of us, we must ELECT to be and live healthy, on a daily basis.  It’s not always easy, but it sure is worth it in my humble opinion.

As you cast your vote next week, remember that whomever wins, they will not solve all our problems.  It will take years of the right decisions to correct our nation’s path.  Similarly, if you eat a healthy breakfast tomorrow and go kick your own rear at the gym, you won’t instantaneously be cured of your physical ailments and drop a pant size.  But if you make a continual effort, if you cast a vote for YOURSELF each and every day, then success will surely await you.

I’m The Fitness Ninja, and I approve this message.

THE Fitness Ninja...changing the world one pushup at a time.