What I'm Doing

I currently offer Personal Training and Bootcamp at Omega Performance Training in Plano, TX.
Call or text 214-418-8872, or email me at thefitnessninja@gmail.com for more details. Aaaannnddd GO!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Giving Thanks

Sweat puddle ink blot test...What do you see?

There are many things in my life I am truly thankful for...awesome kids, great health, stealthy ninjaness.  One thing I see often though is that people despise their jobs.  I can honestly say my job is fantastic!! For a decade now, I’ve been blessed to be a personal trainer, fitness professional, motivator, encourager, beatings administrator, and of course, a Fitness Ninja.  I am grateful to so many that have entrusted me over the years with their health and fitness, and been willing to get outside of their comfort zone to get great results.  So here are my Top 10 Reasons I’m thankful for what I do:

10.  Clients pay me to yell at them.

9.  Seeing sweat puddles that resemble Rorschach Ink Blot tests.

8.  Being able to turn almost anything said by a client into sexual innuendo (“This is SO HARD”, “My legs are shaking”, “Oh my goodness I’m not gonna be able to walk in the morning!!”)  It’s funny cuz it’s true:-)

7.  Making losers and failures out of clients is a GOOD thing.

6.  Getting cussed at is a sign I'm doing a good job.

5.  Having an uncanny ability to turn 30 seconds into a minute.

4.  Seeing clients of all shapes and sizes in equal amounts of effective misery.

3.  Being told I'm number 1, often with middle finger.  Some clients even tell me I'm number 1 with both hands at the same time.

2.  Hearing "You suck...Great workout!!"

1.  And the number one reason I love my job...the look on client's faces when I yell BURPEES!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

THE Fitness Ninja...changing the world one pushup at a time.