What I'm Doing

I currently offer Personal Training and Bootcamp at Omega Performance Training in Plano, TX.
Call or text 214-418-8872, or email me at thefitnessninja@gmail.com for more details. Aaaannnddd GO!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Giving Thanks

Sweat puddle ink blot test...What do you see?

There are many things in my life I am truly thankful for...awesome kids, great health, stealthy ninjaness.  One thing I see often though is that people despise their jobs.  I can honestly say my job is fantastic!! For a decade now, I’ve been blessed to be a personal trainer, fitness professional, motivator, encourager, beatings administrator, and of course, a Fitness Ninja.  I am grateful to so many that have entrusted me over the years with their health and fitness, and been willing to get outside of their comfort zone to get great results.  So here are my Top 10 Reasons I’m thankful for what I do:

10.  Clients pay me to yell at them.

9.  Seeing sweat puddles that resemble Rorschach Ink Blot tests.

8.  Being able to turn almost anything said by a client into sexual innuendo (“This is SO HARD”, “My legs are shaking”, “Oh my goodness I’m not gonna be able to walk in the morning!!”)  It’s funny cuz it’s true:-)

7.  Making losers and failures out of clients is a GOOD thing.

6.  Getting cussed at is a sign I'm doing a good job.

5.  Having an uncanny ability to turn 30 seconds into a minute.

4.  Seeing clients of all shapes and sizes in equal amounts of effective misery.

3.  Being told I'm number 1, often with middle finger.  Some clients even tell me I'm number 1 with both hands at the same time.

2.  Hearing "You suck...Great workout!!"

1.  And the number one reason I love my job...the look on client's faces when I yell BURPEES!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

THE Fitness Ninja...changing the world one pushup at a time.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Choice is YOURS!!

One week from today, possibly the most important Presidential Election of our generation will commence.  And regardless of your political affiliation, I’m fairly certain no one can say with confidence we are much better off than we were 4 years ago.  But with so much focus on the office of the President, it seems we forget that the state of our nation is due to a long series of events, decisions, and elections that put us here in the first place.  It’s not just the President, or the VP, or who controls Congress.  It’s not just the lobbyists, large corporations, the wealthy, or the poor.  And it’s not just 9/11, Obamacare, or rampant obesity.  It’s ALL of these things, and so many more that contribute to the woes of our country.  There is no single event or person to blame for everything.  

So what does this have to do with your health and fitness you ask?  Well I’m about to tell you.  As I’ve stated numerous times, and will continue to do so until people really understand, almost 70% of our population is overweight or obese.  And surprisingly enough, this didn’t just happen overnight.  For most people with diabetes, they didn’t just wake up with it one day.  High blood pressure doesn’t just show up in the mail.  Rare genetic defects aside, heart attacks don’t just occur out of nowhere.  All these manifest from a series of poor decisions over a period of time.  You see, it’s not that you had a few chips with queso last night...it’s that you do that every time you eat out.  It’s not that you didn’t work out yesterday...it’s that you don’t work out any day.  It’s not that you were too busy to cook a healthy dinner last night...it’s that you’re ALWAYS too busy to cook a healthy dinner.  Your health and general well being are the direct result of the decisions you make on a daily basis.  None of us eat a perfect diet, but if 90% of the time you are eating healthy, you will be successful.  We don’t always make it to the gym or go for a run, but if it’s a priority in our lives, we will find a way to make it happen most days of the week.  Few of us are genetically gifted enough to eat what we want, never engage in physical activity, and still look and feel amazing.  If you are one of those people, more power to you, and feel free to stop by for a complimentary punch in the throat:-)  For the rest of us, we must ELECT to be and live healthy, on a daily basis.  It’s not always easy, but it sure is worth it in my humble opinion.

As you cast your vote next week, remember that whomever wins, they will not solve all our problems.  It will take years of the right decisions to correct our nation’s path.  Similarly, if you eat a healthy breakfast tomorrow and go kick your own rear at the gym, you won’t instantaneously be cured of your physical ailments and drop a pant size.  But if you make a continual effort, if you cast a vote for YOURSELF each and every day, then success will surely await you.

I’m The Fitness Ninja, and I approve this message.

THE Fitness Ninja...changing the world one pushup at a time.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Breaking News...America is FAT!!!


Warning, the following commentary is brought to you by yours truly standing on a big ass soap box. If for some reason you are offended, I'm not sorry. You've been warned.

In case you just woke up from a coma, you're probably quite aware that our country is fat. And not a little pudgy, not thick, not big boned, not "big and beautiful", but ORCA FAT, to the tune of $18 billion spent annually on obesity related PREVENTABLE diseases.  ***On a side note, I'm all for people feeling good about themselves and being comfortable in their bodies, but if you are obese, you're unhealthy. Period!!*** But I digress...not only are we fat, but we're raising a generation of fat, lazy kids who are developing health issues previously relegated to adults. Childhood obesity and diabetes are constantly rising with 17% of children 2-19 currently obese, almost triple the rate from 1980 (CDC). And I don't want to hear the bs excuse that "wah wah, it costs too much to eat healthy!!" I see the lines at McDonalds, Chickfila, Burger King, etc... and to me it's just shear laziness and poor planning. I didn't say it was easy, but I fed myself and my two boys tonight a nutritious meal, that filled us all up, and cost about $6 TOTAL!! Too expensive...I don't think so. 

But here's what IS astronomically expensive. A recent study projected obesity rates and related costs in the year 2030. Here are some of the highlights:

-$48-66 billion increase in annual medical cost of treatment for preventable obesity related diseases
-$500 billion in lost economic productivity annually
-6 million new cases of diabetes -5 million cases of heart disease & stroke
-All 50 states with at least 44% obesity rate, not just overweight, but OBESE; 39 states over 50%; and 13 states over 60%

So let me get this straight...millions clamor for "free" healthcare, yet can't stop shoving crap in their mouth or move their XXL rear from the couch to actually get healthier?? And then they want someone else to pay for it?!?! Huh...who actually thinks that makes any sense? One out of every 8 deaths in the U.S. can now be linked to obesity, which in case you haven't been paying attention, is in most cases preventable!! 

Most of you know I'm a very positive person the majority of the time, so here's the light at the end of the tunnel. Research shows that if our obese/overweight population lost on average 10lbs, it would drastically reduce the economic impact, and possibly prevent millions of people from developing obesity related diseases. TEN FRIGGIN POUNDS!! That's not ordering dinner through the clown's mouth just one less time a week. That's passing on dessert just sometimes. That's putting the brakes on your Sunday afternoon Golden Corral extravaganza. Better yet, that's getting up and MOVING. Go for a walk just a few times a week. Take the stairs every now and then. Don't circle around the Walmart parking lot for 10 minutes trying to find a good space when you can park in the back of the lot and WALK a few extra feet. Seriously, it doesn't have to be complicated, but there does need to be effort.   

Finally, what it boils down to is this. There's this concept called personal responsibility that seems to be quite unpopular these days. The president this, my boss that, my job is stressful, I don't have time, blah blah blah. Nothing will change your current condition except YOU. Our beautiful nation has not become Free Willy big from being force fed, we got big because we can't put down the damn fork and spoon and get up to move every now and then. This is an epidemic, and if people don't start putting on their big boy draws and taking the onus on themselves to change, it could very well be our downfall.   

Will you let the light at the end of the tunnel be your guiding light of hope and renewal, or sit idly and let it be the headlight of a freight train to finish you off?

I'm THE Fitness Ninja, and I approve this message. 

THE Fitness Ninja...changing the world one pushup at a time.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back to School and Dreaming BIG!!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year for many people right now.  Summer break is over and droves of children everywhere are flocking back to school, ready to tackle a new year of experiences that could shape them for years to come.  Meanwhile, parents are back to their regularly scheduled programming, and aren’t paying for summer camp after summer camp and feeding what it seems like is an endless army of children trouncing through their kitchen.  But more than all that, it’s a time when children, teens, and college bound young adults, are all told to dream big.  “You can be whatever you want to be!!” we tell them.  The president, an astronaut, a baseball player, a superhero, a princess...the list goes on and on.  We encourage these dreams and aspirations; we tell them to shoot for the stars!  Yet somewhere along the line, we ourselves have lost this fervor, this quest for MORE.  We settle into the realm we feel we were dealt.  We lie to ourselves and say “oh well, this is my life now” and settle for mediocre.  I don’t remember any kids at the age of 12 saying “I sure hope I grow up to be average!! That’d be awesome!!”  We always want better for our children, we bust our ass for our boss, we bend over backwards to help others (which is not a bad thing), but we don’t demand more of ourselves!!  Fitness is always a great metaphor for life in general.  When you get uncomfortable, when you push yourself further that you ever thought possible, more often than not great things will happen.  People do not go bankrupt by accident, yet many throw their hands in the air and give up their hopes and dreams of taking their kids on vacation or buying that house on the beach.  Those 40 extra pounds you’re carrying around didn’t get there by accident either, yet many just accept it and throw the aspirations of running a marathon or climbing a mountain right out the window.  But we DO have the power to change those things and make ourselves better no matter what stage of life we’re in.  If you woke up this morning, it was for a reason.  You still have a purpose to serve, and it’s never to late to make positive change.  I want to implore each and every one of you to dream again.  And not just dream, but dream BIG!!  Put a vision in your head of something you want to achieve, and make sure it scares you just a little bit.  “The only regrets in life are the chances you didn’t take”

THE Fitness Ninja...changing the world one pushup at a time.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Mini Me (not so Mini, I know!) and my sweet baby Cheech

It’s the middle of the year...seriously, have you seen the calendar?!  We are about to be in our usual heat wave here in Texas, which means lots of pool parties and summertime cookouts.  Sometime during the depth of winter (what little we had of it) I’m sure most of you thought about laying pool side, fruity umbrella drink in hand, and bad ass abs glistening in the sun.  Now it’s almost July, the pool will feel like bathwater soon, and you are still chasing the abs of your dreams.  (I’m sure you haven’t forsaken the fruity drink though!!)  Somewhere along the way you may have forgotten what the goal was that you are working towards.  You may have found yourself going through the motions with no true purpose in mind, just working out because you know it’s good for you and you’re supposed to do it.  But something is missing, and it’s your WHY.  
I have no problem with aesthetic goals in fitness.  Let’s face it, we all want to look good...REAL good.  But along the way I hope all of you find a greater purpose of why you’re working out, and keep it at the forefront of your mind every time you step foot in the gym or take off for a run.  There are endless reasons why I work out.  I want to look good (Ninja good!!), I want to feel athletic, I want to be able to do crazy stuff, I want to show my clients that I do this stuff too and lead by example (nothing worse than a fat trainer).  But the two BIGGEST reasons I workout and push myself as hard as I do are pictured above.  My boys deserve a father that can keep up with them, whatever their endeavors may be.  They deserve to have a dad that is not only physically strong, but mentally strong as well.  (Did you know exercise can help your brain?)  They need to see  I am willing to get uncomfortable to accomplish goals, and they should not be afraid to do the same.  

In the middle of your 4th set of man makers, it’s not always easy to remind yourself why anyone would want to do such an awful exercise.  Most of the time your thoughts are simply “$&%# this &@#*!!” and you’re just ready to be done.  But it is in those moments when the things that drive you, the things you work so hard for, the reasons you are willing to push through, should always come to mind.  Recently Mini Me has been around to witness some of my workouts.  Every time, at some point he says “Are you ok Dad?” as I’m hunched over, gasping for air and making workout sounds (you all know what I’m talking about).  THAT is when I know I’m working as hard as I can, and I know those eyes are watching so stopping is NOT an option.  If you work out like your WHY is watching you, I have no doubt each and every one of you could accomplish anything you set out to achieve.  Don’t ever, ever forget your WHY.

The Fitness Ninja...Changing the world one pushup at a time

Monday, June 11, 2012


It’s been said before that if guns kill people, then pencils make you misspell words and spoons make people fat.  While I’m not here to argue the pros and cons of the NRA or discuss why you never see a #1 pencil, I do want to talk about a recent story of government attempting to solve a problem by blaming the product, instead of the actual user.  Mayor Bloomberg of New York City has recently proposed legislation that would ban the sale of any soda over 16oz.  Let’s take a moment to examine to fallacies of this move:
  • Does not prevent person from purchasing more than one
  • Does not prevent person from getting refills where permitted
  • Does not include diet soda or beverages containing at least 50% milk.  So that 400 calorie, sugar-laden Starbucks Frappucino is okee dokee!!
  • Does NOT solve the actual problem...people drinking soda in the first place.  
Obviously this ludicrous proposal is full of numerous loopholes that would basically amount to mildly inconveniencing people who want a 17th ounce or more.  But if the intent behind it is to limit sugary drink consumption (which it should be but I’m sure it’s just a political move of some sort), then we are not addressing the real issue at hand.  As adults, there are very few things in life that we have to question whether they are good or bad for us.  Smoking crack, bad.  Green leafy vegetables, good.  Jumping out of a moving car, bad.  Regular cardiovascular exercise, good.  Running head first into a wall, bad.  Well, I think you get the point.  If we truly want to get people to change their behavior, attempting to limit consumption will get us nowhere.  (See also:  Prohibition)  People must WANT to limit their consumption, and do it under their own accordance because they know it’s the healthy thing to do.  We all know smoking cigarettes are bad, yet people continue to smoke.  But through education the percentage of people who smoke now is substantially lower than 30 years ago.  Until we realize as a whole the dramatic impact that sugary drinks...along with the rest of the crap we shove in our mouths on a daily basis...have on our society, our economy, and our health care system, the behavior itself will never change.  It’s up to each one of us to educate ourselves and those around us to make better, healthier choices on a consistent basis.  But until then, watch out for those sheisty spoons...they could make your pants tighter!!
THE Fitness Ninja...Changing the world one pushup at a time.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Warning...SLOW Children

It's no secret that our country as a whole is overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy. The ratio of the energy we burn compared to the amount of food we shovel in our mouths is in extreme disproportion. But perhaps the most disturbing thing to me are the stats on childhood obesity. In the past few weeks I've seen several stories from various media outlets on this subject.  Obesity now affects 17% of all children and adolescents in our country, triple the number from a generation ago (CDC), and 1 out of 3 children are overweight. Obese children are more likely to have a myriad of health issues ranging from asthma & high blood pressure, to diabetes & coronary heart disease. They are also much more likely to be obese adults. 
Why is this epidemic occurring?  I hear various reasons all the time.  Yes, sugary cereals are marketed towards kids. Yes, happy meals and similar products make our little ones squeal with delight. Yes, it's easier to stop for donuts on the way to school instead of cooking breakfast. But we are raising a generation of fat kids that will create a workforce of fat adults, continuously driving up healthcare costs and adversely affecting productivity in all aspects of life. Our children could be the first generation to have life expectancy DECREASE from the previous generation. Worst of all its almost completely preventable.
It's my opinion that if you have an obese child (not slightly overweight, I'm talking unhealthy & obese) then it's YOUR fault, and your duty to do something about it. If you found out your 10 year old was smoking, wouldn't you do everything in your power to stop that behavior?? Allowing your child to pump themselves full of high sugar, high saturated fat, nutrient void food is no different. Unless your child has a job, and does the grocery shopping and cooking in your household, it's your responsibility to feed your children appropriately. Stop worrying about your kid liking you, stop using your busy schedule as an excuse, and give your child what they NEED, not always what they want. 
So where you do you start?  You start by taking action.  Here are a few simple steps that can apply to anyone with children, obese or not, in helping our little ones lead a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.
  • Set the example.  Eat healthy, and DO NOT complain about it or say how incredibly difficult it is.  It’s seriously not that hard.
  • Trade sedentary minutes for active minutes.  If they want to watch tv or play video games, let them.  But for every minute they spend doing sedentary activities like that, make them spend an equal amount of time being active.  Shooting hoops, bike riding, playing catch etc.  And while they’re doing that, JOIN THEM!
  • Clean out your pantry.  If it’s in the house, someone is going to eat it.  I love brownies.  Correction, I’m IN LOVE with brownies.  But I save them for my cheat day and don’t keep them around otherwise.  If I do, I’ll eat them...I’ve seen me do it.  Get the crap OUT!!  
  • Plan ahead.  Most of us know our children’s schedule, as well as our own, for the entire week.  If you know time will be tight on certain days, plan accordingly.  Have food ready to go, pack healthy snacks, but don’t use “oh we were pressed for time” as an excuse.  If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  
  • Finally (well, not really finally but it’s the last point I’ll make here), EDUCATE your children.  It’s not the responsibility of the school system, the government, McDonald’s, or anyone else besides YOU to teach your children about the true importance of taking care of their physical being.  
Not sure if it comes across well in print sometimes, but I’m just a little passionate about this subject;-)  I would love to hear your feedback on this topic.  Feel free to leave a comment below.  
THE Fitness Ninja...Changing the world one pushup at a time.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't Grow Weary of Well Doing

When in doubt, ask yourself "What would Chuck do?"

You ever have one of those days where you feel like throwing in the towel?  All your efforts to eat right, exercise consistently, and make better choices all just seem to be getting you nowhere.  “Why am I doing this?” you question yourself.  “Screw it, I’m going for a cheeseburger and ice cream and no one can stop me!”  And then 2 hours later after your food bender you’re sitting there with a mustard stain dead center on your shirt chugging Pepto wondering why the hell you just did THAT! Even worse, you realize the only person you really affected with any of that is yourself.  Now you feel worse than when you started your precious pity party, and can’t even remember what began the whole process.
So I implore you, DO NOT get tired of doing the right thing.  A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have an end, it’s a commitment to a better quality of life that you make with yourself.  I can’t force feed nutrient rich food down your throat, nor can I slap the soda out of your hand before it reaches your lips (although that’d be a LOT of fun!!).  Like anything in life, consistency has it’s rewards.  I don’t always feel like eating a salad or passing on the bread, but I do it anyway when necessary.  I don’t always feel like working out (SHOCKER) but I do it because it’s the right thing for me to do.  I’m sure you don’t always feel like getting up and going to work, but you’ve made a commitment to your spouse/kids/boss/employees that you will consistently do the right thing.  And this isn’t saying we have to be perfect; we’re all allowed to slip up every now and then.  But in the fleeting moments when you feel like it’s not worth it, don’t lose sight of the big picture.  What are the reasons you made your commitment in the first place?  With fitness, are you working out to feel better, be able to do more things, have more energy, set a good example for your children?  Whatever the REAL reason is, remember that in those moments of despair.  And realize that more often than not, someone is paying attention.  It could be anyone from your kids who, even though you don’t impress yourself, are in awe of the fact that mommy has muscles...to the guy who quietly walks on the treadmill, looking over at you laying in a heap on the floor after sprinting at 10mph and thinking to himself, “If he can do that, one day I can too.” 
Even when no one is looking, even if no one knows how many reps you’ve done, even if that last cookie wouldn’t be missed, don’t forget your WHY, and don’t get tired of doing the right thing.  I’ve never in my life heard anyone regret making the right decision.

THE Fitness Ninja- Changing the world one pushup at a time.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Comfort Zone

Ahhh, the comfort zone.  The place where we all feel safe and cozy, where life is alright and nothing can harm us.  Smooth sailing right?  Well, if you are perfectly content with where you are and have no aspirations of becoming better at anything, then kick your feet up, grab your oversized bag of cheetos, and have at it.  But for the rest of us, the comfort zone is a very dangerous place.  It’s the place we become complacent, where we settle, where we accept our conditions and succumb to the norm.  Then years later we run through the “what ifs”, the “I wish I would’ve”, and the “damn, I should’ve.”  I can’t think of many things in life worse than regret.  Better to try and fail than never try at all.  Getting out of the comfort zone isn’t always easy either.  Often it takes bold decisions and even bolder actions in order to be BETTER.  Not only that, but it takes an inner fortitude to keep going when everyone says you shouldn’t.  Many people will sympathize with you when things go wrong (not necessarily a bad thing), but will also validate your excuses and NOT help you attain your goals.  Hence why so many people remain in the comfort zone.  
What do you want out of life?  Are you LIVING, or just existing?  I think we all have an unfinished list somewhere of things we want to accomplish, but for some reason have never done.  Whether it’s running a marathon, writing a book, or visiting an exotic land, I’ve yet to meet anyone who is done in life.  If you’re still breathing, you’re here for a reason, and are still capable of doing great things.  I encourage you all to get off of your La-Z-Boy, get uncomfortable, and set out to do something that scares you just a little bit.    
THE Fitness Ninja-Changing the world one pushup at a time.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Punch in the Face

From time to time I have been known to get on my proverbial soap box and rant just a little.  Earlier this week I read a story about a new “fad diet” that made me shake my head and say “What the %&*$ is wrong with people?!?!”  Seriously, people will do damn near anything to lose weight EXCEPT actually eating right and exercising.  So here’s the new genius weight loss plan:  for 10 days you put a feeding tube...yes a FEEDING TUBE...into your nose that goes down to your stomach and drips 800 calories of non-carbohydrate nutrients into your body.  I got news for you, your body has a feeding tube called the esophagus and if you eat 800 calories a day you’ll probably lose weight.  As a matter of fact, if I punch you in the face and you eat 800 calories a day, that will probably result in weight loss too (and I’ll do it a lot cheaper than the $1500 this procedure costs).  It is currently being marketed to brides-to-be for a quick solution to last minute weight loss to fit into their wedding dress.  So let’s see, you’ll plan a wedding for 6-12 months, invest thousands of dollars into venue, food, entertainment etc., invite family and all the friends you’ve ever had, but not have the foresight to know you need/want to drop some weight and get your lazy ass up off the couch to do something about it?!  It shouldn’t really be appalling anymore, but I guess it still baffles me that as advanced and educated our society seems to be, how in the hell does anyone think this is a good idea?  Truly makes me want to slap someone, shake them silly, and put them on a treadmill until they puke.  

The Cabbage Soup Diet, the Grapefruit Diet, the Baby Food Diet, HCG...you name it, people have tried it.  It’s no lie, these plans will most likely result in weight loss...and muscle loss, maybe some hair loss, a jacked up metabolism, and an UNHEALTHY body.  Everyone wants the quick fix, but seems to forget they took the long approach to get unhealthy.  Would it be too much to ask to put a little effort into changing some eating habits and perhaps moving a little?  It may sound crazy, but I think it works.

THE Fitness Ninja-Solving the world's problems one pushup at a time.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Ok, so maybe comparison is allowed here.  However...

Comparison is the death of all joy. Think about it. You go car shopping, you find the vehicle that is just perfect for you, and it fits your budget. You drive happily off the lot, soaking in the new car smell, when you pull up to the red light. A car pulls up to your left, and it's that shiny Aston Martin you've been seeing around town. Meanwhile, passing through the intersection in front of you is a brand new Lamborghini, the one that costs more than your net worth (and probably more than the GDP of half the countries of the world!). Suddenly that super happy feeling you had just moments ago is gone.

We do this in all aspects of life, and I see it in the gym all the time. I've never met anyone who was totally satisfied with their physical appearance. "I wish I had her butt." "I wish I had arms like that guy." "If I could only have her abs." "If I could just run as fast as him." If you're a professional athlete, then yes, you may have to compare yourself to others in order to gain a competitive advantage. But for most of us, we spend our lives comparing our accomplishments to others, who in turn do the same. All the while never taking true pride in what we have attained, and feeling like nothing will ever be good enough. We all need to remember where we started, and have a realistic view of not only what we have accomplished, but of what's possible as well. All the training in the world will never make me as fast as Usain Bolt (I know, shocking revelation), but I can certainly improve my OWN speed, and compare it to the only person it really matters to...ME.

Live YOUR life. There's nothing wrong with not being satisfied in your current situation, but set your goals for YOU, not to match someone else.

THE Fitness Ninja-Solving the world's problems one pushup at a time.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Every now and then in life, you have to get up, slap yourself around a little, and demand more of yourself. It's so easy for all of us to get stuck in a routine, and never really push for anything better. Yes we go to work, make a living, provide for our families, etc, but those are things we're SUPPOSED to do. What have you done lately that you weren't supposed to do (and I'm not talking about having one too many drinks and sleeping through half the weekend!). What have you done that wasn't required of you, but you did it anyway? And you did it for YOU, not anyone else. I believe we're all people pleasers by nature. We seek approval from family and friends, bosses and co-workers, and all too often we seek approval from people that could really could care less about us and our lives. What we don't focus on enough is the person staring back at us in the mirror.

How will you challenge yourself today? What will you do to make YOU better? See, by making yourself better, you truly can be better for all the people that really matter in your life. I issued a pushup challenge, not to see who could win, but to see who is willing to step outside their comfort zone and do something they probably wouldn't do otherwise. And furthermore, my hope is that it inspires even more people around them to push themselves in a positive direction. I absolutely love what I do and know I'm serving my God given purpose in this world. The better I am, the better I can be for all of you.

THE Fitness Ninja-Solving the world's problems one pushup at a time.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Have some FUN!

Myself, The Grass Man, and Hoss at Warrior Dash 2011

This afternoon I took off to a local park and ran through the woods, splattering mud and water, ducking tree limbs, and trying not to bust my ass (successfully I might add!).  While there was a specific reason I did this, in all honesty it was really quite fun.  A gorgeous day, the sun shining through the trees, no one blocking my path, and just moving along at my own pace.  It’s kind of sad sometimes that so many people are stuck behind a desk, or in a car, or on the phone, or coming up with a million other things to do instead of getting out and enjoying the world.  When we were kids we couldn’t wait to go play outside, ride our bikes, and goof around in the mud.  Now we call it “exercise” and loathe the thought of it.  

Think about the last time you did something so fun you thought “Wow, I feel like a kid again!”  As long as it’s not stealing your mother’s car for a joy ride, or sneaking out of class to go smoke behind the bleachers, find some time this coming week to do something truly fun.  Ah hell, steal your mother’s car…she won’t even know it’s gone!

THE Fitness Ninja-Solving the world’s problems one pushup at a time.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Remember Martin?  He literally went crazy!

When is the last time you did something crazy?  Like, really crazy, enough that when you told your friends they looked at you with the turned head look that your dog gives you.  For many of us, it’s been a while.  Yet at some point in life, most of us were pretty fearless.  I watch my 4 year old using my living room as a jungle gym, jumping off the arm of the couch and onto the floor into a perfect tuck and roll.  Or busting out into an impromptu bear crawl in the middle of Target.  If you want a great workout, just follow a 4 year old around a playground for 30 minutes.  You will be sufficiently worn out!  So what happens to our sense of adventure when we get older?  Is it the sitting in a classroom for 13-17 years in a row?  Is it the fear of injury because we know our head can’t take a bump the way a small child’s can?  Or is it trepidation holding us back because we’re just not sure we’re capable anymore?  In all aspects of life, too many of us allow fear to keep us from doing the things we truly want to do.  Those nail on the chalkboard words “I can’t” come out faster than an insulin spike in Paula Deen’s bloodstream.  Often times the best thing we can do is just get out of our own way, and let it happen.   

There are boxes that we jump on in the gym.  It’s possibly the biggest fear I see in training.  Clients that I KNOW are fully capable of jumping on top of the box just can’t get past the fear to do it.  It’s that little voice of doubt, the cautious adult we’ve grown into, the fear of failure holding us back.  But the only true failure in life is failing to try in the first place.  

So what crazy thing do YOU want to do?  And what is holding you back from doing it? It may not be something you can go out and do today or tomorrow, but take a moment, write down a CRAZY goal, and make a plan to get there!

THE Fitness Ninja-Solving the world’s problems one pushup at a time.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

STFU and Do It: The C-Word series continues...

Have you ever woken up and felt like going back to bed…but didn’t?  Ever walked into the kitchen to make your kids breakfast and didn’t really feel like it…but you did it anyway?  Ever go to your trainer and look at him like he has two heads because he just asked you to do 250 pushups…then knock them out regardless?! (I KNOW some of you can relate to that one!)  And WHY did you do these things, even though you didn’t FEEL like it?  One word: commitment.  Prior to that moment you had made a commitment to do those things.  It didn’t matter whether you felt like it or not, it needed to be done.  If we waited in life until we felt like doing things, I’m fairly certain not much would ever be accomplished.  In January, people everywhere commit themselves to healthier eating habits and exercising more.  But when they don’t FEEL like doing it anymore, or that eating healthy is just “too hard”, they quit.  Those that know me well understand that I LOVE food…correction, I’m IN LOVE with food.  I love a good bowl of pasta and brownies just as much as the next person and I don’t always feeling like having a chicken salad for lunch or no bread with my dinner.  But I made a commitment not only to being healthy, but to being an example for my clients to show it CAN be done, and the desired results can be achieved.  

If you are looking for a change, don’t wait until you feel you’re ready.  Commit, and the feelings will follow.  It seems as though the times when you really don’t feel like doing something are the ones that end up being the most rewarding.  I never EVER felt like changing horrid smelling diapers when my boys were little, but fortunately or unfortunately it’s the promise I made of being a parent (BLEH!).  So stop dragging your feet, shut your pie hole, and DO IT!

THE Fitness Ninja-Solving the world's problems one pushup at a time.