What I'm Doing

I currently offer Personal Training and Bootcamp at Omega Performance Training in Plano, TX.
Call or text 214-418-8872, or email me at thefitnessninja@gmail.com for more details. Aaaannnddd GO!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't Grow Weary of Well Doing

When in doubt, ask yourself "What would Chuck do?"

You ever have one of those days where you feel like throwing in the towel?  All your efforts to eat right, exercise consistently, and make better choices all just seem to be getting you nowhere.  “Why am I doing this?” you question yourself.  “Screw it, I’m going for a cheeseburger and ice cream and no one can stop me!”  And then 2 hours later after your food bender you’re sitting there with a mustard stain dead center on your shirt chugging Pepto wondering why the hell you just did THAT! Even worse, you realize the only person you really affected with any of that is yourself.  Now you feel worse than when you started your precious pity party, and can’t even remember what began the whole process.
So I implore you, DO NOT get tired of doing the right thing.  A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have an end, it’s a commitment to a better quality of life that you make with yourself.  I can’t force feed nutrient rich food down your throat, nor can I slap the soda out of your hand before it reaches your lips (although that’d be a LOT of fun!!).  Like anything in life, consistency has it’s rewards.  I don’t always feel like eating a salad or passing on the bread, but I do it anyway when necessary.  I don’t always feel like working out (SHOCKER) but I do it because it’s the right thing for me to do.  I’m sure you don’t always feel like getting up and going to work, but you’ve made a commitment to your spouse/kids/boss/employees that you will consistently do the right thing.  And this isn’t saying we have to be perfect; we’re all allowed to slip up every now and then.  But in the fleeting moments when you feel like it’s not worth it, don’t lose sight of the big picture.  What are the reasons you made your commitment in the first place?  With fitness, are you working out to feel better, be able to do more things, have more energy, set a good example for your children?  Whatever the REAL reason is, remember that in those moments of despair.  And realize that more often than not, someone is paying attention.  It could be anyone from your kids who, even though you don’t impress yourself, are in awe of the fact that mommy has muscles...to the guy who quietly walks on the treadmill, looking over at you laying in a heap on the floor after sprinting at 10mph and thinking to himself, “If he can do that, one day I can too.” 
Even when no one is looking, even if no one knows how many reps you’ve done, even if that last cookie wouldn’t be missed, don’t forget your WHY, and don’t get tired of doing the right thing.  I’ve never in my life heard anyone regret making the right decision.

THE Fitness Ninja- Changing the world one pushup at a time.

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