What I'm Doing

I currently offer Personal Training and Bootcamp at Omega Performance Training in Plano, TX.
Call or text 214-418-8872, or email me at thefitnessninja@gmail.com for more details. Aaaannnddd GO!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Put down the carbs...and slowly walk away


For almost 30 years now the recommended American diet has been centered around a low fat/fat free concept.  For almost 30 years now our great nation keeps getting fatter and fatter.  Last time I checked, almost 70% of our population is overweight and obese.  And I promise you not all of them have a thyroid issue.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  Well this low fat model is getting us nowhere, and it’s time for a DRASTIC change.  Carbs are everywhere, cheap, and easily accessible.  Chips, cookies, crackers, bread, all so very easy to shove in your mouth.  The “free” carbs…bowl after bowl of chips brought to the table and the never-ending supply of warm breadsticks.  Pasta, rice, potatoes, all staples of a “hearty” meal.  And let’s not forget all the yummy sweets like that bowl of M&M’s on your co-worker’s desk that you swipe a handful from everytime you walk by, or your inability to just say no to the donuts in the breakroom.  So many items that many see as harmless, are killing us.  

Here is the science in a nutshell (not literally).  Your body can only store and combat so many carbs at any given time.  Long term, excessive carbs will eventually be stored as fat in your body.  Not only that, but since your insulin has to work overtime to regulate your blood sugar levels, you put yourself at risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and numerous other maladies.  That bowl of pasta you just HAD to have at 8pm, followed by a brisk walk to the couch with a bowl of ice cream, will be migrating its way to your ass momentarily.  

We are a food obsessed and addicted nation.  It’s the hardest part of a healthy lifestyle, and the hardest part of my profession.  People say they want to lose weight, lose body fat, FEEL better, but far too few are willing to put their words into action.  If your fat free meal plan isn’t working for you, ask this guy right here for some help.  We all deserve the best quality of life possible, and the tools are at your fingertips. 

THE Fitness Ninja-Solving the world's problems one pushup at a time.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The "C-word"

One reason people usually seek out fitness professionals is to get that push, that extra umph, to be forced to do things they wouldn’t normally do on their own.  But what always strikes me is that so many people have so little belief in their own abilities.  It’s amazing how quickly the words “I can’t” come flying out of someone’s mouth, letting fear grip the moment instead of allowing the challenge of something new to drive the ship.  Fortunately I forbid the “c-word” from being uttered during training.  I never ask anyone to do anything they are not capable of doing, and if I’m not sure, I’ll let them know.  All I ask is the willingness to try.  So often the ones that are quickest to doubt themselves are the ones that are capable of achieving the greatest things…if they can just get out of their own way.  Whether you are working out with a trainer or on your own, somewhere deep down inside you must believe that your goals are achievable, otherwise what’s the point?  Why would you be working hard to achieve nothing?! Eliminate “I can’t” from your vocabulary, in all aspects of life, and watch what amazing things come your way.

Instead of a quote, please enjoy this great caloric definition...

 THE Fitness Ninja-Solving the world's problems one pushup at a time.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

New Years Resolutions

Today is February 19th, so you may be wondering why this is titled New Year’s Resolutions.  Did you know 80% of people who start a new exercise program stop within 6 weeks?  If you count from the first of the year, Valentine’s Day seems to be the cutoff for all those newbies with big aspirations and little motivation.  The time the regulars can reclaim “their” treadmill and don’t have to worry about whether or not there will be fresh spinach at the grocery store.  Unfortunately, most people don’t understand the science behind how their body will actually respond to a consistent exercise program.  And if you’ve been sitting around on your keister for the better part of a decade and ordering dinner (and breakfast…and lunch) thru the clown’s mouth, it may take slightly longer than 6 weeks to see significant change.  

Take a moment today to reevaluate your fitness goals that you were all fired up about on January 1st.  Are you still taking steps to insure your success?  If so, GREAT! KEEP IT GOING!  If not, drop your favorite Fitness Ninja a message, and let me know how I can help you.  It is never, EVER, too late to start working on a new you.

And here’s a client quote, after I gave an alternative to an exercise they didn’t like…

“In this case, I bet the grass is just as brown on the other side.”

Fitness Ninja-Solving the world’s problems one pushup at a time.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Ladies and Gentlemen, here we go!!  You have come to the official blog of me, THE Fitness Ninja.  You know, many of you may be asking yourself, “Self, why the hell is he a ninja?? What does that even mean?!?”  Honestly, it kind of came from the fact that I wear so much black every day, and I’m slightly stealthy in my training.  But those of you that have trained with me know that I’m not really quiet like a ninja, and I don’t exactly try to keep my presence a secret.  Anyway, I hope you come back often to read my ramblings, my soap box speeches, and possibly be entertained.  

I usually like to end these things with a quote from a client, and this is still one of my all time favorites…

“I thought I was in shape.  You’re making me look like an a**hole!!”

THE Fitness Ninja-Solving the world’s problems one pushup at a time.